Next STEM Saturday: December 3rd

STEM Saturdays is a monthly event brought to you by the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), Clark County School District (CCSD), and the Atomic Museum.

Join us each month to learn about new STEM topics from experts at the NNSS, explore hands-on demonstrations, and make new friends!
After the demos, join us for a pizza lunch provided by the NNSS and a tour of the Atomic Museum.

Next STEM Saturday: December 3rd

STEM Saturdays is a monthly event brought to you by the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), Clark County School District, and the Atomic Museum.
Join us each month to learn about new STEM topics from experts at the NNSS, explore hands-on demonstrations, and make new friends!
After the demos, join us for a pizza lunch provided by the NNSS and a tour of the Atomic Museum.

Meet Our Sponsors

Experience STEM Saturdays!


Join Us for STEM Saturdays!

Come to the Atomic Museum!

Join in the fun! Meet new friends and new mentors. We look forward to seeing you on STEM Saturdays!